game jam submission for GMTK Game Jam 2024

Rank #2804      


Mouse Left Click + DragFling Character
Mouse Right Click (near ice block platforms)Scale Ice Platform Size


Despite being frozen stiff, the hiker remains determined to scale the mountain. With sheer resolve, he flings himself upward, undeterred by the icy, slippery path that lies ahead. His unwavering focus drives him toward his goal.


Development log


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Didn't get to this during the jam, but this is very nicely done! The flinging mechanic feels satisfying to do, and although it's very difficult, it's not unfair or inconsistent. I wasn't able to climb all the way to the top, but I think I made it pretty far.

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Any% speedrun:

watch and learn from the master
To the new speedrun champion: Congratulations on beating my record! I hope you enjoy your victory lap while I enjoy my victory nap!

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Florian Castel

Speedrun Any% 4:22.74


So cool!


The mechanics of flinging yourself around and sliding wildly on ice work so well together. Please consider refining the progression and releasing this as a full game after the jam.


maybe I have a skill issue but I can't really get past the first obstacle T.T
even if maybe it's just a problem regarding my own personal skill, I would have introduced the players with an easier progression to let them understand the controls.
Also while there is some scaling going on, it does not really translate into much during gameplay.
maybe giving different features to the sizes could help.
Like the big one weighs more so it jumps less, but it also slides less making it more controllable.
While the small one weighs less, so it slides more making it less controllable, but can jump higher and fits into smaller holes.
Of course this should be reflected into the level design with some sorts of puzzle, while currently it is just a climbing game where the size doesn't really change much.
Anyways I liked the artstyle, it has a lot of Celeste vibes :)

ty for trying out the game and for the feedback.
-yeh a better starting area would be ideal to give players a bit of progression
-being bigger actually does affect weight making jumps weaker and friction stronger, it comes into play more a bit further up rather than at the bottom, but yeh i wish i had more time to have designed the levels better and telegraphed things a differently. (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )


Really cool concept, but OMG its so hard… after 15 minutes of trying I literally cannot elevate higher than 1 tile above ground

im surprised someone even lasted 18 minutes... gratz on lasting that long :D